Thursday, 14 May 2015

All About Me Project

All About Me Project

As part of our Religion unit, “Stories of Jesus”, Year One have been given a project to complete. The project will be completed at home and will be due on Monday Week 10.

The students are to recall significant events in their own life story and can present this information in any way of their choosing. This may include, but is not limited to, a scrapbook, poster, powerpoint presentation or iMovie.

Discuss with your child about significant events that have happened in their life, which could be included in the project. Some examples are listed below.
·     When they were born
·     The birth of a sibling
·     Any special birthdays
·     Their Baptism or a religious event
·     When they started Pre School
·     When they started School
·     Sporting events
·     Special awards

The children will have an opportunity to present their projects in the last week of school.

We are very excited to see the completed projects!

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